Rex Lam

Rex Lam

San Francisco, CA


Economics and Mathematics

Class of 2014

GPA: 4.8/5.0

Courses: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics, Development Economics, Linear Algebra, Probability, Statistics, Discrete Mathematics


St. Catherine's College

Michaelmas 2012

Visiting Student

Courses: Political Economy of Europe, DSGE Models

Data Scientist
Oliver Wyman
Front-end Development Intern
International Monetary Fund
Research Intern
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Sales and Trading Intern
NERA Economic Research
Research Intern
MIT Health Policy Research
Various projects with Professor Gruber, including GIS work for paper on high cost hospitals.

Visualization of Tennis Statistics

Using d3, this ongoing project allows users to interact with tennis statistics such as head to head records.

Target Unemployment

Using d3, this project uses an innovative approach to show how unemployment has changed over time.

Cebu Traffic Alerts

Using backbone and Play!, this project is an open-source initiative by the World Bank to allow traffic enforcers in Cebu, Philippines to log real-time traffic incidents.

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